You can travel from Cebu to Dumaguete via air, sea or land. We recommend one of the following transportation modes.
This is the fastest and easiest way to get straight to Siquijor Island from Cebu. Flights are affordable considering you can be at the resort in less than 1 hour compared to other modes of transport from Cebu.
Travel time is approximately 40mins.
For more information visit: Royhle Air Way Charter Facebook Page or Royhle Air Way Charter Website.
Flying is the fastest and easiest mode of transport to Dumaguete City from Cebu.
Flights between Dumaguete and Cebu run daily. Travel time is approximately 50mins.
Cebu to Dumaguete Flights
Flight No. | Flight Times | Days of the Week |
DG 6517 | 20:15 pm (21:10 pm arrival) |
– T W T F S |
DG 6519 | 20:55 pm (21:50 am arrival) |
M T W – F – |
DG 6515 | 14:20pm (15:15 pm arrival) | |
DG 6517 | 19:40 pm (20:35pm arrival) |
Dumaguete to Cebu Flights
Flight No. | Flight Times | Days of the Week |
DG 6520 | 22:10 pm (22:55 pm arrival) |
M T W T F S |
DG 6518 | 21:30 pm (22:15 am arrival) |
M T W T F S |
DG 6516 | 15:35 pm (16:20 pm arrival) | |
DG 6518 | 20:55 pm (21:40 pm arrival) |
This information is to be used as a guide and may change without prior notice. Try viewing the latest flight information online.
Read more about the Ocean Jet Ferry
The Ocean Jet Ferry travels from Cebu to Larena (a town of Siquijor) via Tagbilaran (Bohol). Because of this you will need to purchase tickets for two separate trips.
Cebu to Tagbilaran (Bohol)
Destination | Estimated Time of Departure |
Cebu to Tagbilaran (Bohol) | 13:00 |
Tagbilaran (Bohol) to Cebu | 10:40 |
Note: Schedules may be subject to change without prior notice.
Tagbilaran (Bohol) to Larena (Siquijor)
Continue your journey from Tagbilaran (Bohol) to Larena (Recommended).
Ocean Jet Ferry Tickets
Our bookings office can arrange Ocean Jet Ferry tickets on your behalf. Please contact us so that we can provide the latest ticket prices.
Lite Ferry
Lite Ferries offers transportation services between Cebu and Larena, a town in Siquijor, in both directions. The service operates on a book and buy basis, and seats are limited and subject to availability. Be sure to check their website for more information.
Cebu to Larena
Destination | Est. Departure Time | Est. Arrival Time | Days of the Week |
Cebu to Larena | 1300 | 2300 |
M – W – – S – |
Larena to Cebu | 1900 | 0500 (next day) |
– T – T – – S |
Note: Schedules may be subject to change without prior notice.
For more information visit: Lite Ferries
Another way to travel is by hiring a private car or taxi. You can arrange to be picked up from the airport, hotel, or any location of your choice, and travel to either Liloan Port or Bato Port, which are the lowest points in Cebu. From there, you can take a barge or ferry to Negros Oriental and continue your journey to Dumaguete. Read more about travelling from Dumaguete.
Pro tip: Ensure that you agree on a travel price with your drive before you start your journey.
Looking for trusted driver in Cebu?
If you are a guest at Coco Grove Beach Resort and/or Coco Grande Hotel, we can assist you in arranging seamless transfers from Mactan Cebu Airport to various destinations, including Cebu City Port, any hotel in Cebu, Liloan Port, and Bato Port, through our network of reliable drivers and liaisons.
Please contact us with your travel requirements, and we will be glad to assist you with transfers in Cebu.

Alternatively, you can travel by land between Cebu and Dumaguete (via Tampi Bato) on the Ceres Bus. From Dumaguete you can travel to Siquijor by ferry. Read Travelling From Dumaguete more information.
Destination | Estimated Time of Departure |
Cebu to Dumaguete | 0600, 0700, 1000, 1100, 1300, 1400, 1600, 1800 |
Dumaguete to Cebu | 0315, 0415, 0545, 0820, 0915, 1120, 1415, 2230 |
Adults and Children |
PHP 300 one way per person |
Note: Schedules and fare prices may be subject to change without prior notice
Page last updated: February 17, 2024
All schedules, times, prices and content may be subject to change without prior notice.