On this page you will be responses to our frequently asked questions. If there is a question that hasn’t been asked and you were not able to find it throughout our website, please contact us.

Can we bring our own food?

We do not allow guests to bring their own food, or food from outside vendors into the resort. We do this to limit unnatural/unwanted odor in rooms; reduce excessive littering and wastage; protect against spills; stop power outlets from being damaged in rooms etc.

Do you have a generator?

Yes. We have our own 24-hour backup generators to get you through those times of brown-out/black-outs.

Can I drink from the tap?

No. Though we do source our water from natural spring water, to be on the safe side, you can refill your water for free at our water stations.

Do you have internet access?

Yes and No. Due to limited infrastructure our internet connection isn’t always stable. For more information please read our latest blog post: Why we have problems with our Internet.

How do I get to the resort?

We have dedicated pages with directions and suggestions. Please view our Getting There page.

Can I drop in and visit the resort?

Yes. Visiting guests are welcome to dine at the restaurants subject to availability.

However, facilities are for in-house guests only.

I can’t contact the resort. What should I do?

If you are wanting to make a reservation you can do this online using our Book Now page. Otherwise you can phone or email our booking office.

Contact Us if you would like further information.

Page last updated: May 7, 2024
All schedules, times, prices and content may be subject to change without prior notice.